Meet Asian Australian psychologist, Trisnasari Fraser.

interview mental health Apr 02, 2022

We know that it's not always easy trying to work out which therapist we might like to work with: Because the decision isn't just about where they're located and when they're available, but there's a bit more of a human, relational element to the decision too.

So here at Shapes and Sounds, we want to help make that process just a little easier.

Every month, we'll be introducing a therapist from the Asian Australian Mental Health Practitioner List to help you gain a bit more insight into who you feel might be a good fit for you or someone that you know.

This month we're excited to connect you with Trisnasari Fraser who is a registered psychologist, based in Melbourne. Trisnasari specialises in supporting people from creative professions or those moving through life transitions.

We hope you enjoy connecting with Trisnasari below!

1. What led you to choosing psychology as a career?
I chose psychology twice in my life. The first time was straight out of university as a graduate in my early twenties. At that time I gained invaluable experience at Lifeline, but ultimately decided to apply my psychology training to an organisational context and followed with work in management consulting.
As an alternative to the corporate life I then pursued dance, co-directing a studio and performance agency. Here I observed two things that influenced my decision to once again choose psychology as a career. The first was the therapeutic value of music and dance, but the second was the challenges of working in creative industries and the toll this could take on mental health. So after having children, I retrained in psychology again, focussing on community psychology, as I was particularly interested in the strengths inherent in communities and community and cultural practices such as music and dance.

2. What is your unique cultural heritage?
I am second generation Indonesian-Australian. This has led to my interest in the experience of the second generation and the identity conflicts and multiple belongings this can bring.
3. What are your areas of specialty and what kind of frameworks do you work from?
I am particularly drawn to working with people in creative occupations and independent artists and performers. I draw on CBT, ACT, mindfulness and narrative approaches. I value a collaborative approach, working together with clients to come to an understanding of their experiences, strengths, strategies and resources.
4. What kind of clients are you best able to support?
I welcome those looking for support in coping with the challenges of working in the creative industries or life in general, finding it difficult to adjust to changing circumstances or maintaining motivation, to get in touch.
5. If you could be your own therapist right now, what do you think you would say to yourself?
Do one thing at a time, celebrate the wins and enjoy the journey.

Connect with Trisnasari via our Asian Australian Mental Health Practitioner List HERE.

Alternatively, if you feel like Trisnasari may be a good fit for someone that you know, be sure to forward this page on to them too. Let us continue to not only support ourselves but all those around us too!

If you require urgent assistance, please do not contact Trisnasari or any of the practitioners on this list. Instead, please call emergency services on 000 or call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Shapes and Sounds does not recommend or endorse Trisnasari or any of the practitioners listed on the Asian Australian Mental Health Practitioner List.

Please always consult your GP before making changes to your mental health care plan.

šŸ’”For community members:

We createdĀ the "Essential Guide for Asian Australian Mental Health"Ā by surveying over 350Ā Asian Australians during Covid-19 lockdowns.

Download our guide and learn about the three most pertinent areas of concern for the Asian community, with tips and strategies to support you through.

Download now

šŸ¤For mental health service providers:

Shapes and Sounds supports mental health organisations and teams to feel confident and resourced in providing culturally-responsive care to the Asian community in Australia.

Download our information packĀ to learn more.