Participate in Research with Monash University
Jul 31, 2023
We've recently partnered with The Culture, Trauma and Mental Health Group at Monash University to help bridge the gaps between academia and community.
Tailoring mental health interventions to acknowledge and address people's cultural identities, has been found to significantly improve treatment outcomes. However to date, there's very little evidence to assist clinicians in tailoring treatments, which contributes to poorer mental health outcomes for people of Asian identities.
Therefore, the Culture, Trauma and Mental Health Group undertake research in different Asian communities to create a stronger evidence base for culturally-responsive mental health care.
Their latest research will explore the differences between people of Western or Chinese identities in the context of mental health and trauma, and being aware of these differences can help to tailor specific treatments for different populations.
If you fall within this eligibility criteria and would like to participate in cutting-edge research, please contact Joshua or Larissa via the email addresses outlined below:
š”For community members:
We createdĀ the "Essential Guide for Asian Australian Mental Health"Ā by surveying over 350Ā Asian Australians during Covid-19 lockdowns.
Download our guide and learn about the three most pertinent areas of concern for the Asian community, with tips and strategies to support you through.
š¤For mental health service providers:
Shapes and Sounds supports mental health organisations and teams to feel confident and resourced in providing culturally-responsive care to the Asian community in Australia.
Download our information packĀ to learn more.