Connect with the largest Community of Practice for Asian therapists in Australia.

Join our supportive network for Asian mental health professionals to connect with emerging literature and deepen your culturally-responsive practice.

All sessions are facilitated on Zoom, join us from any convenient location.

2025 sessions:

Session 1.

February 6th

Focus article: Maheen & King, 2023, Employment-related mental health outcomes among Australian migrants: A 19-year longitudinal study

Session completed

Session 2.

May 8th

Focus article: Jobson et. al., 2023, Exploring the associations between social support and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder
among Malaysian and Australian trauma survivors

With special guests from Monash University’s Culture, Trauma and Mental Health research lab

Register now

Session 3.

August 8th

Focus article: Luu et al., 2023, Effectively supporting Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) young people with their mental health and wellbeing – does this matter or exist in Australia?

Register now

Session 4.

November 6th

Focus article: Jobson et. al., 2024, Cultural differences in appraisals of control and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.

With special guests from Monash University’s Culture, Trauma and Mental Health research lab

Register now

Key benefits

Earn Continuing Professional Development points

You'll receive a CPD certificate (1 point) for each session that you attend.

Connect with really interesting, inspiring therapists

Past attendees have found supervisors, supervisees or just made new friends!

Stay relevant with access to emerging literature

We'll connect you with our partners at Monash University and friends across other institutions.

Connect with other therapists and grow your practice.

Our Community of Practice meets every quarter, on zoom and we're joined by practitioners from all across Australia.

How it works:

Before each session, you'll be sent a journal article related to Asian mental health.

During the session, we'll highlight the key themes of each article and discuss how we can integrate these insights into our work.

You'll also have access to an ongoing discussion board to continue your learning long after each session.

These sessions help me feel safe to share my clinical and cultural intersections. It is a valuable space and essential to my growth as a practitioner and Asian Australian.

- Will Vuong,
Wellspring Counselling

For new members:


  • Access to the latest evidence-based literature in Asian mental health
  • Facilitated discussion
  • Expert speakers
  • CPD hours
Register now

Your lead facilitator.

Join Asami Koike, founder of Shapes and Sounds and registered music therapist, alongside our multi-disciplinary team who together have over 30+ years' expertise across trauma-informed and culturally-responsive mental health practice.

Learn more about our team

What happens in each session?

We're usually joined by around 15 - 20 practitioners from all over Australia, on Zoom.

An example of the session:

  • 7.30pm: Welcome and introduction by Shapes and Sounds.
  • 7.40pm: Speed introductions and warm up.
  • 7.50pm: Content delivered by our facilitator, Asami; outlining key themes from the focus journal article.
  • 8.15pm: Small breakout rooms of 2 - 3 practitioners to discuss reflective prompts, insights and strategies.
  • 8.50pm: Whole group discussion and wrap up.
  • 9.00pm: Close.

The timing and content may vary slightly depending on each session's theme and the group's emerging needs.

💡You could attend our next session for free.

All active members of the Asian Australian mental health practitioner list gain free access to our Community of Practice sessions.

Join the list before our next session!

Sign me up today!

Just because you're a therapist of colour, doesn't mean that your practice is automatically  "culturally-responsive".

...And that's completely okay.

Because relying purely on your lived experience can be both exhausting (for you) and haphazard (for your practice).

Our role at Shapes and Sounds is to support you to feel confident and resourced in supporting the mental health needs of the Asian community. We're led by a team of Asian therapists and here, you'll feel validated in your intersectional experiences, build greater structure and sustainability in your work, and be continually supported by our welcoming practitioner community.

We look forward to supporting you at our next session!

Register now

With thanks to our partners: