Shapes and Sounds
Community Check-In
House Rules.


The Shapes and Sounds Community Check In’s provide a free point of contact with a culturally-responsive mental health service that aims to provide psychoeducation around the Australian mental health sector and short activities to support people to care for their mental health and wellbeing.

We thank you for abiding by our house rules, to ensure that we are all working towards creating safety and support in our Community Check In's.

Confidentiality in this space

  • When joining the chat, we encourage participants to only share your first name or use a nickname to introduce yourself. Please do not share your full name or use it as your zoom username.  
  • We encourage participants to refrain from sharing identifying information including their email, social media links or handles, specific locations such as suburbs, full names, or phone numbers. Please don’t ask for other participants' contact details or attempt to contact them outside of the Check-in.

Please share appropriately in this space

  • Please make sure that what you are sharing in the group is relevant to what the group is discussing. 
  • Please do not share any explicit details around self harm, suicide methods, methods to lose weight, any kind of abuse or medication, etc.
  • Please include a content warning before discussing topics such as drug and alcohol, abuse, disordered eating, self harm, suicide, racism, homophobia, etc. 
  • We have a zero tolerance policy for any abuse or bigotry during the Check In

Know when to take a break

  • Sometimes it can be helpful to step away from the Check In and seek additional support from a helpline. The Shapes and Sounds Facilitators may encourage you to do this if they believe you may need more support than we can provide. 
  • During the Check In, feel free to take a break from the discussion, turn your camera off, or even leave early if you need to. 

Please be mindful of where you are joining from

  • We encourage you to join from a private and safe space for you. Be mindful of what is going on around you and how that might impact you or others joining in. We love seeing your cats/dogs/birds/pets joining us during a session, but please be mindful of others joining in the background. 

We are not a crisis service

  • We are not a crisis service. If you require crisis support, you can reach out to one of the following services:
  • Qlife:  Open 3pm - Midnight  AEST| 1800 184 527 |
  • In case of emergency, please contact 000

Respectful and non-judgemental stance from all Community Check In members

  • Everyone joining the Check In has different needs & concerns! Please be respectful and non-judgemental of how others choose to show up in this space. 
  • Please be mindful and respectful when others are sharing in the group. For example, please do not start a chat in the zoom chat when someone is sharing in the group. 
  • Please use respectful language and be mindful of other people’s boundaries, pronouns, etc.
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