The Shapes and Sounds Community.

Social connection is crucial for long-term, strong and stable mental health.

Hello and welcome!

Thank you for joining the Shapes and Sounds Community - a space for Asian Australians to continually care for their mental health and wellbeing.

We hope that you'll wear this membership with pride!

Please save this page as we'll continually update it with all the relevant information that you'll need.

Important Resources for the Community Check In

Group Guidelines
House Rules
External Services

Useful resources

Medicare Rebate info-graph.

Medicare is the publicly-funded universal health care insurance scheme in Australia, for Australian citizens and permanent residents.

At current, you can access up to 10 Medicare rebated sessions for psychological services, which means that you have less (or none) out-of-pocket fees to access therapy.

Please click the cropped image to download our full step-by-step guide to accessing your rebate!

The Essential Guide for Asian Australian mental health.

At Shapes and Sounds, we've worked with hundreds of Asian Australians since we became an organisation in December 2020.

Please click the cropped image to download our full essential guide of the common themes that relate to the mental health of Asian communities in Australia.


Common questions around therapy, answered.

There are many resources that encourage you to seek therapy, however, that space between booking your first session and actually attending your first session, can be a really nerve-wracking time.

If you're feeling anxious about attending therapy, please click the cropped image to download our booklet, "You're ready for therapy, now what?"

Your discount code.

As a valued Shapes and Sounds Community member, you're eligible to gain 10% off all our available programs.

Use the discount code SANDS2023CM at checkout.

You can see all our current programs in our Learning Centre and keep checking back as we'll continually update our programs!

Find a program.

Important dates.

Tuesday October 10th 2023.

It's World Mental Health Day so we're hosting our second Community Check-In to celebrate as a Community!

We'll discuss and explore the question, what elements of your cultural identity, support your mental health?

Date: TuesdayĀ October 10th
Time: 7.30pm AEDT - 8.30pm AEDT
Location: Zoom

Know Yourself: 4-week intensive program.

Join our team of Asian Australian therapists and a tight-knit community, to deeply and truly get to "know yourself".

This is a transformative experience reserved for a maximum of 30 participants, starting on February 27th 2024!Ā 

Learn more

Support our work.

Shapes and Sounds is a small social enterprise that relies heavily on your support to continually provide culturally-responsive mental health programs to the Asian Australian community.

If you're in a financial position to be able to support our work, please do so via the button below!

Support Shapes and Sounds.